الإسلام هو لإنقاذ البشرية من الإحتراب والفوضى
(من مقدمة كتابنا الأخير)
كتب : أحمد العزيزي
إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونستهديه
.. ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا وسيئات أعمالنا .. من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن
يضلل فلا هادي له وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمداً عبده ورسوله وصفيه من خلقه وحبيبه
.. بلغ الرسالة وأدى الأمانة فالهم أجزه عنا خير الجزاء واحشرنا تحت لوائه واسقنا
من يده الشريفة شربة هنيأة لا ظمأ بعدها أبداً ..
ثم أما بعد ...
حياكم الله إخوتي وأخواتي الأماجد العظام وأشهد
الله تبارك وتعالى على محبتكم في فيه جل في علاه.
أقول وبالله التوفيق : ( من أجل فرض
النازية والشيوعية الماركسية والإشتراكية على الشعوب قتل ما يزيد عن مائة وخمسون
مليوناً وأصيب بالعاهات والسرطانات والجراحات أكثر من مائة مليون واعتقل مئات
الآلاف في أقبية المعسكرات والسجون في أغلب البلدان العربية المحتلة وفي أفريقيا
والحبشة وشرق وغرب وشمال وجنوب آسيا وأوربا بكاملها في الحربين العالميتين.. ومن
أجل نشر الرأسمالية المادية الحرة والديمقراطية قتل وأصيب وشرد وهجر واعتقل أكثر
من مائة مليون حول العالم ولازال النزيف مستمر في بقاع شتى من العالم في الشيشان
وفي البوسنة وكوسوفا والأفغان والبنجال وكشمير والعراق والصومال وأفريقيا الوسطى
ونيجيريا وأنجولا وفلسطين وسوريا ومصر واليمن والفلبين وأقاليم في الصين وداغستان
وغيرها كثير في بلدان يحارب فيها الإسلام لنشر أفكار تخالف شرائع الإسلام, وفي
إيران تضييق وقتل للعرب الأحواز وأهل السنة في جميع أنحاء إيران يعيشون في قمع
واضطهاد وملاحقة, فقط لرفضه دين المجوس المتلفح بالتقية لأيهام عوام المسلمين أن
التشيع من الإسلام , والإسلام برئ من كل مظاهر الشرك والوثنية التي هي أهم معالم
دين الرافضة الشيعة ..
ولهذا وجب علينا الإيضاح والتبيين.. فالأفكار
المخالفة لشريعة الله تعالى هي أساس الحروب والفوضى وإنتكاسة البشرية ولهذا فقد
كان عند إندثار الشريعة وخفوتها كان الله يرسل إنبيائه ويبعث رسله إنقاذاً
للإنسانية أما وأن الإسلام هو الرسالة الخاتمة فعلى عاتقه أداء الأمانة وتبليغ
الشريعة إصلاحاً للبشرية).
Islam is to save mankind from the infighting and chaos
( Introduction of our last )
Wrote: Ahmad Azizi
Praise be to Allah , we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and Nstahedah .. and seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves and our disadvantage .. from Allah guides not misleading him and not mislead Hadi and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, and descriptive of his creation and his lover .. was the message and led the Secretariat Volhm Odzh us the best reward and Ahherna under his banner and Asagna of his noble drink Henneoh not thirst after all ..
Then after a while ...
ÍíÇßă God, brothers and sisters Alomagd bones and witness the Almighty God for your love in which the bulk of the gaze .
I say God, and conciliation : ( for the imposition of Nazism and Communism Marxism and socialism on the people killed more than one hundred and fifty million people and wounded Bahat , cancers and surgery more than a hundred million and arrested hundreds of thousands in the cellars of the camps and prisons in most Arab countries, territories and in Africa and Abyssinia , East and West , North and South Asia and Europe entirety in the two world wars .. In order to deploy physical capital free and democratic killed and wounded and displaced and abandoned and arrested more than one hundred million around the world and still bleeding continuously in various parts of the world in Chechnya and Bosnia , Kosovo, Afghanistan and Bengal , Kashmir, Iraq , Somalia and the Central African Republic , Nigeria, Angola , Palestine, Syria , Egypt and Yemen and the Philippines, and the regions in China , Dagestan and many other countries in fights where Islam to spread ideas contrary to the laws of Islam , and Iran is narrow and the killing of the Ahwaz Arabs and Sunnis in all parts of Iran living in the suppression and persecution and prosecution , only for refusing to religion Magi Almtlvh religiously sanctioned lying to delude ordinary Muslims that the bias of Islam , Islam is innocent of all the manifestations of polytheism and idolatry , which is the most important features of Shiites, the Shiite religion ..
That is why we must clarification and Signifying .. Ideas contrary to the law of God is the basis of war and chaos and setback human and this was when the extinction of Sharia and Khvutea If God sends prophets and sends messengers to save humanity but that Islam is a message Conclusion For himself to the performance of the Secretariat and the Report of Sharia reform of mankind )
( Introduction of our last )
Wrote: Ahmad Azizi
Praise be to Allah , we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and Nstahedah .. and seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves and our disadvantage .. from Allah guides not misleading him and not mislead Hadi and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, and descriptive of his creation and his lover .. was the message and led the Secretariat Volhm Odzh us the best reward and Ahherna under his banner and Asagna of his noble drink Henneoh not thirst after all ..
Then after a while ...
ÍíÇßă God, brothers and sisters Alomagd bones and witness the Almighty God for your love in which the bulk of the gaze .
I say God, and conciliation : ( for the imposition of Nazism and Communism Marxism and socialism on the people killed more than one hundred and fifty million people and wounded Bahat , cancers and surgery more than a hundred million and arrested hundreds of thousands in the cellars of the camps and prisons in most Arab countries, territories and in Africa and Abyssinia , East and West , North and South Asia and Europe entirety in the two world wars .. In order to deploy physical capital free and democratic killed and wounded and displaced and abandoned and arrested more than one hundred million around the world and still bleeding continuously in various parts of the world in Chechnya and Bosnia , Kosovo, Afghanistan and Bengal , Kashmir, Iraq , Somalia and the Central African Republic , Nigeria, Angola , Palestine, Syria , Egypt and Yemen and the Philippines, and the regions in China , Dagestan and many other countries in fights where Islam to spread ideas contrary to the laws of Islam , and Iran is narrow and the killing of the Ahwaz Arabs and Sunnis in all parts of Iran living in the suppression and persecution and prosecution , only for refusing to religion Magi Almtlvh religiously sanctioned lying to delude ordinary Muslims that the bias of Islam , Islam is innocent of all the manifestations of polytheism and idolatry , which is the most important features of Shiites, the Shiite religion ..
That is why we must clarification and Signifying .. Ideas contrary to the law of God is the basis of war and chaos and setback human and this was when the extinction of Sharia and Khvutea If God sends prophets and sends messengers to save humanity but that Islam is a message Conclusion For himself to the performance of the Secretariat and the Report of Sharia reform of mankind )
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إرسال تعليق
إن شاء الله سقرر المشرف نشره بعد مراجعته
حياكم الله تعالى وجزيتم خيرا لتفاعلكم